Workshops & Symposien (organisiert durch diese Arbeitsgruppe / diesen Lehrstuhl)
Themenkreis: Zell- und Reproduktionsbiologie
Symposium „Stem Cell Research: A Challenge for Embryology, Regenerative Medicine and Bioethics“
Bonn (Germany), Stiftung caesar, 12 May 2006
Main topics: Upcoming new technologies for (re)contructing embryoids/synthetic embryos using human stem cells, and ethical implications. Symposium Faculty: Hans-Werner Denker (Essen, Germany), Thomas Heinemann (Bonn, Germany), Hans-Peter Hohn (Essen, Germany), Sören Holm (Cardiff, UK and Oslo, Norway), Ludger Honnefelder (Bonn, Germany), William Hurlbut, (Stanford, USA), Charles J. Kirkpatrick (Mainz, Germany), Janet Rossant, (Toronto, Canada), Hans R. Schöler (Münster, Germany), Davor Solter (Freiburg, Germany), Michael Thie (Bonn, Germany). Organizers and Chair: H.-W. Denker, H.-P. Hohn, M. Thie (Essen / Bonn) Press Release: idw Website Program: PDF-Download (2,26 MB) Publications derived from this Symposium:
Symposium “Molecular Approaches to Cell-Cell Adhesion“
Essen (Germany), Institut für Anatomie, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 27 Januar 2001
Main Topics: The physiological role of cell-cell adhesion in leukocyte interaction with blood vessel endothelial cells, and in trophoblast interaction with the endometrium at embryo implanation; novel methodological approaches like force spectroscopy. Symposium Faculty: W. Birchmeier (Berlin, Germany), D. Vestweber (Münster, Germany), B. Imhof (Geneva, Switzerland), A. Wittinghofer (Dortmund, Germany), M. Benoit and H.E. Gaub (München, Germany), J. Aplin (Manchester, UK), J. Wang and D.R. Armant (Detroit, USA), R. Burghardt (College Station, TX, USA), H.-P. Hohn (Essen, Germany), M. Thie (Essen, Germany). Organizers and Chair: H.-W. Denker, H.-P. Hohn, M. Thie (Essen) Program (Flyer): PDF-Download (1,07 MB) Poster Abstracts: PDF-Download (283 KB) Publications: 7 articles derived from the Symposium are published in:
Workshop „Phenotype Conversion and Signaling in Epithelial Cells“
Workshop W1, 23rd Annual Meeting, German Society for Cell Biology, Rostock (Germany), 14-18 March 1999
Main Topics: Gene regulation in EMT, and application of this concept to embryo implantation and tumor cell invasion. Chair: H.-W. Denker (Essen) and E.D. Hay (Boston) Workshop Faculty: D. Randall Armant (Detroit, MI, USA), Daniel Carson (Houston, TX, USA), Elizabeth D. Hay (Boston, MA, USA), Bettina Husen (Greifswald, Germany), Don Newgreen (Parkville, Vic, Australia), Ernst Reichmann (Epalinges, Switzerland), Gerhard Witt (Salzburg, Austria). Flyer: PDF-Download (415 KB) Program: PDF-Download (83,5 KB) Abstracts published in:
XXIV Annual Meeting of the Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture Study Group (C.T.O.C.) affiliated with the International Union Against Cancer (U.I.C.C.), Heidelberg, 10 – 11 October 1986 (conference held in conjunction with the 34th Meeting of the European Tissue Culture Society, ETCS)
This was the first international conference at which an application of the novel concept of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) to embryo implantation (endometrial receptivity and trophoblast invasion) was presented and discussed. Organization: H.-W. Denker and H.-P. Hohn (Aachen) Program C.T.O.C. Meeting: PDF-Download (2,72 MB) Abstracts C.T.O.C. Meeting: PDF-Download (4,45 MB) 34th ETCS Meeting Program: PDF-Download (3,15 MB) Published Abstracts: Abstracts, 34th Meeting of the European Tissue Culture Society (ETCS), Heidelberg, 8-10 October 1986. Europ. J. Cell Biol. 42 (Suppl. 15; ISSN 0724-5130), 43-49 and 68-74 (1986). Media Coverings (in German): PDF-Download (1,57 MB) DFG Application and Report (in German): PDF-Download (2,18 MB) Book Publication:
Themenkreis: Neue Medien im Anatomischen Unterricht
Workshop „Anatomie konfrontiert mit neuen Medien“
Pre-Congress-Workshop zur Arbeitstagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Würzburg, 30.09.1998
Organisation und Vorsitz: H.-W. Denker (Essen) und R. Putz (München) Einladung: PDF-Download (86,1 KB) Programm: PDF-Download (88,9 KB) Abstracts published in:
European Workshop „Multimedia Technology in Medical Training“, RWTH Aachen, 22-23 September 1997
27. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, 24.-26. September 1997, RWTH Aachen, Workshop 10 General Chairmanship: H.-W. Denker (Essen), M. Jarke (Aachen), D. Graf v. Keyserlingk (Aachen), O. Spaniol (Aachen), K. Spitzer (Aachen) Programme Chairs: M. Fathi (Dortmund), H.P. Hohn (Essen) Program: PDF-Download (784 KB) Publication:
Workshop „Computermedien in der Anatomie“
Pre-Congress Workshop zur 13. Arbeitstagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Würzburg, 02.10.1996
Organisation und Vorsitz: H.-P. Hohn und H.-W. Denker (Essen) Programm und Abstracts: PDF-Download (902 KB) Publikation der Abstracts: